Best WebRTC Events and Conferences

Published in others
October 29, 2021
4 min read
Best WebRTC Events and Conferences

This post is a recap of all interesting conferences I found regarding the WebRTC ecosystem. If you want to see and discuss with WebRTC engineers, this is where you have to go!


The first things to say about WebRTC events is that, there are some, not a lot of but an umbrella of different kinds of events. Some are proposed by the industry (Telco companies, CPaaS companies), some by the institutes (W3c) and some by the companies or individuals who are experts on the subject.

As usual, attending to these events is a powerful manner to understand, learn and progress on WebRTC as well as to meet wonderful people.

Here is my WebRTC-list:

Note: Order don’t matter.

WebRTC conferences

The conferences in that part focus on WebRTC as the central topic: API, implementation, use cases… Attending to these conferences will help you to understand deeper how to implement, scale and test your WebRTC based solution. They are mainly for developers.

WebRTC Unconference

Motto: Basically, a bunch of geeks getting together, informally sharing experiences while having a good time.

WebRTC UnconferenceDetails
Last editionMay, 18th (2021)
One day
FormatSeveral tracks at the same time (tables)
Everyone can be a speaker (not just the BIG names)
Sessions can be 10-30 minutes long
The format can be anything like a simple group discussion, show & tell, interactive workshop, lighting talk - as experimental as you like!
ContentA lot of topics around WebRTC (API, Tests, Encryption)
Personal projects

Kranky Geek

Motto: Our goal is to bring knowledge of WebRTC and related technologies with the practical expertise to anyone with interest at absolutely no charge to the viewer

Kranky GeekDetails
Next editionNov, 18 2021 (12th event)
One day
FormatSingle track
Talk or demos + interview
20mn per session
Roundtable and 1-1 calls
ContentWebRTC state of the art
Youtube Channel

Cool event on WebRTC by WebRTC experts. For sure the event to follow to have a good overview on the current WebRTC topics. WebRTC roadmap from Google or other browser vendors in bonus.

WebRTC ventures

Motto: A webinar series about the latest use cases and technical updates to this popular coding standard for live video

WebRTC ventures liveDetails
Next editionNext month
FormatEach episode is about 20 minutes long and includes a guest interview, making them easily digestible nuggets of WebRTC wisdom
ContentAny topics around WebRTC technical or not. One topic per live
Episodes59 at that time of writing

Even if it is dedicated to one topic only, this is each time a great opportunity to discover something new or to deep dive into a specific WebRTC’s corner.


Motto CommCon Virtual is a conference around Real Time Media - whether that’s transporting media (including the data channel) via WebRTC, creating VoIP calls with SIP or something entirely different. We want to hear the stories behind them all; if you’re transporting real time media from A to B we want to hear about it.

Last edition13th - 17th July 2020
FormatTAlks and demos
ContentLot of technical stuff around WebRTC: Tests, Telephony integration, Encryption and solutions success

I didn’t have the opportunity to attend yet.

VOIP & Real Time Communication conferences

These conferences take place one time or twice per year. They can be seen as traditional events which can last several days with a lot of attendees, in big conferences center. Sponsors coming from the industry often use these conferences to have booths where they make demos. This is the conference where you can grab a lot of goodies from these exhibitors and to meet in real competitors or other companies in the market :-)

Some of these conferences are technical other not. For developers, it could be the opportunity to see real use cases and how WebRTC can be used in different domains such as healthcare, transportation or education. Conferences given by the industry are more interesting for decision makers and technical sales with the chance to discuss with other actors and to feel the trends.

IIT RTC Conference and Expo

(RealTime Communications Conference and Expo. IEEE International Conference)

Motto: The IIT RTC Conference and Expo is a globally recognized collaborative event, where industry and academia connect.

IIT RTC Conference and ExpoDetails
Last edition12/14 October 2021
FormatKeynotes around 6 tracks: IPTComm, Programmable Real-Time networks, VoiceTech, WebRTC & Real-Time applications, Next Generation Emergency Communications Services and Internet of Things
ContentVarious domains tackled.
Mix of presenters coming from the tech industry, universities and institutes…
Youtube channellast event videos

17th annual conference in 2021. WebRTC is in the backdrop of the majority of the presentations It is a great come back to school to learn things

UC&C Summit

Motto: The first event that gathers Managed Service Providers and System Integrators to present them with news from the market and inform them on the new frontiers of technology.

UC&C SummitDetails
Next editionJan, 24th (Online event) 2022
AudienceDecision makers, Sales
FormatPlenary keynotes. Program not yet unveiled for 2022
ContentMarket analysis
New products </br/>

Organized since 2018 Not really for developers but this conference shows how UC solutions move to the cloud for using pure cloud services instead of legacy hardware PBXs thanks to the WebRTC technology.

RealTime Conference

Motto: The World’s Premiere Event for Real-Time Technologies. The Year-Round Hub for the Global Real-Time Community

RealTime ConferenceDetails
Next editionDecember 13-15th 2021
AudienceDecision makers
FormatPlenary full-hour conference sessions
ContentNew products and opportunities

More and more dedicated to Virtual environments and Metaverse Focus on visual aspects as well as real time 3D environments with sponsors like Nvidia, Sony, the Unreal Engine…


Motto: Our community is dedicated to providing an inclusive, enjoyable experience for everyone in the video industry

Last editionDecember 13-15th 2021
FormatTalks and demos
ContentEverything around video
Codecs, streaming and real-time video delivery
Youtube channel

TADSummit (Telecom Application Development Summit)

Motto: TADSummit is the event for programmable communications since 2013

Next editionDecember 7th-8th 2021 (live & pre-recorded sessions)
AudienceDevelopers & Decisions makers
ContentProgrammable Telecoms & Communications,
CPaaS, UCaaS, CCaaS,
Telecom APIs, WebRTC,
Youtube channel


Moto: W3C’s virtual 2021 TPAC focuses on collaborative meetings that gather the community to create momentum and collective brainstorming.

W3C TPACDetails
Last edition18/29 october 2021
FormatConference sessions
ContentAPI standardization status and progress

A great opportunity to discover people who work for the W3C Lot of status done by each Working Group that work on different APIs

Platforms focused events

These conferences are dedicated to a piece of software and promoted by the people behind.


Motto: Janus, Pizza and Napoli

First editionSeptember, 25-27th 2019
FormatTalks and demos
ContentAll things around Janus
Youtube channel

Never attended but should be the event to not missed in case of working on a Janus based solution. Lots of detailed topics on Janus as well as integration with pbx based solution such as FreeSWITCH


Motto: ClueCon is a conference for developers by developers: an annual technology conference held every summer hosted by the team behind the FreeSWITCH open source project

Last edition25-28 Oct, 2021
FormatTalks and coder games
ContentAll things around Freeswitch
Youtube channel

Started in 2005 Like for Januscon, this is the event to attend if your solution is based on FreeSWITCH


In that section are the other interesting conferences or talks that are not live.

Fiddle of the Month

Motto: Every month we pick a WebRTC topic, develop a short fiddle for it, which shows the technical aspects of the topic and then explain it in a short lesson

Fiddle of the MonthDetails
Next editionNext month
FormatShow me the code + interview - 10mn per episode
ContentFocus on a specific API or problem using WebRTC

Very interesting deep dive to the code that often unveils new WebRTC possibilities or help to overcome tricky parts. tips

Fiddle of the MonthDetails
Last edition22 oct. 2021
FormatTalk and demos - up to 25 minutes
ContentShort episode dedicated to a WebRTC architecture, use cases and coding tips

These episodes either explain how to add some features to your application (such as a pre-call tests, the recording, etc…) or explain some WebRTC concepts like Stun/Turn or SFU/MCU, etc…

Help me to complete the list

If you don’t see an event a WebRTC event, don’t hesitate to send me the link in order to complete that panel. Thanks in advance!



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